Monday, 29 November 2010

The Islamic Revival

The Islamic Revival

By Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad

In the Name of Allaah [swt] the Most Gracious The Most Merciful
All Praise is due to Allaah

Allaah [swt] says:
‘Verily the right of legislation is for none but Allaah’
[EMQ – Yusuf - 12:40]

He is the One who orders us to submit to Him [swt] to obey and follow none but Him [swt].
This is really what is called the intellectual leadership to be, all supremacy and sovereignty to belong to Allaah [swt].

And that is no way to be fulfilled unless those who say: ‘La Illaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullaah’ understand the meaning of the kalimah, understand the meaning of the Tawheed, understand the meaning That there None worthy to be worshipped, obeyed to be followed but Allaah [swt].

And there is no example to reach that level of obeying and following and worshipping except by following the Messenger Muhammad [saw], and that is the meaning of the kalimah this is the intellectual leadership,

And this is what every Muslim should target, is to be the highest word, the highest decision and the sovereignty and supremacy belongs to None but Allaah [swt] in all spheres of life, in the society and in the whole world.
‘It is Allaah who sent the MM [saw] with the guidance and Haqq, for it to prevail over the whole world, even if the disbelievers, Mushrikeen hate it’
[EMQ – At Tawbah - 9: 33]

even if the united nation dislikes it, even if all the governments of the world dislikes it, Islam will prevail and Islam will Insha’Allaah take over but it needs for those Muslims to believe in that intellectual leadership, need those Muslims who believe that the purpose Allaah has created them to obey and to follow and to submit and worship

‘I [Allaah] have only created man and jinn but to worship Me [Allaah]’
[EMQ – Ad Dhariyaat - 51: 56]
Allaah [swt] has declared that He only created the man and jinn but only to submit to Him ‘Illah li u Wahhidoon’

In order to obey and to submit in all of their actions and transactions.
In all of their verbal and physical transactions, that is why Allaah [swt] has promised that He will account us all and Allaah He keeps His promise and warning us that all our actions will be subject to be accounted.

‘By your Lord (oh Muhammad) We are going to account them, for all what they used to do’
[EMQ – Al Hijr - 15: 92-93]

So every action that you do, every saying you say, you will be accountable for it, if it on the Qur’an and on the Sunnah then you will be rewarded, and if it is against the Qur’an and Sunnah, based on your hawah and desires you will be punished for it.

‘Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.’
[EMQ – Al Zalzalah – 99: 7-8]

Whoever does any small atoms of actions if its good then he will be rewarded, good meaning based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, based on the Qur’an and Sunnah according to the understanding of the sahabah, the Salaf of this ummah, with complete sincerity for Allaah and any action not based on the teaching of the Messenger Muhammad [saw] mean on the teaching of the prophet, the wahi [divine revelation] of the Qur’an and Sunnah is a sin and is not valid.
That is why the hadith stated clearly:
‘Any Actions not based on our guidance it is not valid’

So your verbal actions, your sayings or your talking or your physical actions any physical actions must be based on the revelation, the wahi [Qur’an and Sunnah]
in order that Islam as an intellectual leadership to be prevailed and that is the way for revival.

People progress NOT by the money they have, people progress not by the science and technology they have, people and the man he does not progress by the colour himself he was created with, man will progress not by the look he has, man will never progress by the position or the race he has, man will progress by how much he is subservient to Almighty Allaah [swt].

Allaah [swt] makes it clear that He created us from different backgrounds, different nations, for what?
‘The most honourable person from amongst you in the sight of Allaah is the one who has taqwa…’
[EMQ - Hujurat - 49:13]
The one who fears Allaah [swt].

‘We made you tribes and different communities to bond together with ‘La illaha illallah’ and the one who is closer to Allaah is the one who has taqwa and fear.

Not the one who is closer to the kuffar or the one who allies with the kuffar or the one who commits what negates the kalimatu ‘La illaha illallah’

The way for revival when the Muslims, when he hears the athan – ‘Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar’ he will make sure that o word and no command in society will be higher than the command of Allaah [swt].

Nowadays you hear the athan in Muslim countries, you hear the athan he himself may sing it ‘Allaahu Akbar’ but you look in reality - you find the rulers and the Tawagheet and those corrupted regimes in the east and in the west and in the earth their own words is the highest in reality.

That will make you have this sourness that will make you feel like a hypocrite if you do not engage and establish Allaah’s deen, if you do not engage in order to participate in the process of revival – to make Allaah’s deen the highest. Because the MM [saw] said:
‘Islam is Superior and can never be superseded by anything else’
This is where the Muslims are on the right track – the way for revival.

I can see it, there is a lot of awareness around, but the way for revival my Muslim brothers is when the Kalaimatu Tawheed has impact in our lives, in our actions, in our transactions, in our society, in the whole world when the kaafir he understands that the Muslims have been elevated because of ‘La illaha illallah’

And he comes down because he did not believe in ‘La Illaha illallah’ there is no way to make them equal – Muslims and non-Muslims, this is Aqeedah of Al Walaa Wal Baraa, this is the Aqeedah of Tawheed, this is why the way for revival is when the Muslims are working to establish Allaah’s deen, are working to make the Shari’ah prevail, are working to establish the Khilafah are working to make Allaah’s deen prevail ‘Alla’d-Deeni Kulli’
This is where the way for revival will on the right tracks.

I pray to Allaah [swt] that all the da’ees, all the students of the shari’ah even all those even the numbers who are supporting the cause, they will be all Insha’Allaah, their intention to be sincerely for the sake of Allaah, and may Allaah grant us victory and may Allaah [swt] make His deen prevail, may Allaah be witness that we did not suffer and we will never ever give up suffering for His sake, we did not suffer because of our sake, rather for His sake [swt].

And we will continue to take all the suffering even if they want to remove our heads from on top of our shoulders, we will never ever compromise our stand That is the Aqeedah of ‘La illaha illallah’ and that is the meaning of the muwahhid in the battle field he is a lion fighting and even in the dawah field he is a lion, shouting ‘La illaha illallah, Muhammadur Rasoolullaah’ in the face of the kaafir, in the face of the man who wants to put him behind the bars and does not want us to see the light and let us live in the dark and be secluded completely, we will never ever compromise.

It is a matter of time my dear Muslim brothers only, we will be standing in front of Allaah [swt] on the Day Of Judgement to be accounted for al that we did in this life.
Therefore, invest it to please Allaah [swt] and remember, remember one day you are going to face the truth after you go through the process of entering the grave and questioning in your grave and after that will be the pressing in your grave and after that will either be the punishment or the pleasant moment of your graves, and you are going to be resurrected and then on the Day Of Judgement you are going to come and everything is going to be replayed in front of you and all your actions is going to be accounted, remember that day.

And remember at that time when Allaah [swt] says:
‘Each one of you is going to go above the hellfire….’ We are going to see Jahannam, but some of us are going to be carried by angel over Jahannam and go to Jannah, some of us are going to walk over the bridge and the bridge will be really wide and will have light and you are going to see hellfire and go to Jannah to appreciate it and some of us their own bridge on the ard [earth] will become very narrow- some of them will be falling, some of them will fall in hellfire and be punished and then after that Allaah if He wishes He will forgive if they did not commit shirk and they will enter Jannah, in anyway my dear Muslim brother we are going to face what we are doing nowadays in this life and the lucky one who really will be under the ayah:

‘Some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty) Looking towards their Lord;’
[EMQ – Al Qiyaama - 75: 22-23]

May Allaah [swt] make us from amongst them, may Allaah [swt] save us from hellfire, grant us victory in this life, make His Deen prevail and make the kuffar all of them either embrace Islam or go to hellfire on the Day Of Judgement as Allaah destined for them.

‘Oh my Lord, I hurry towards you, oh my Lord I am running towards you, oh my Lord be pleased with me and receive me’.

Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil Alameen.

Sunday, 21 November 2010


My dear people, what can I relate to you today?
That the kufaar are succeeding in their very own way?
They are hunting us down, one by one we are gone
Your father, your mother, you sister and now your son

The du'aat have been taken to dark chambers so small
They have chained them away from delivering the call
What has happened to you oh ummah that you do not speak?
Your heart has become dead, For surely you don't weep!

Our history is what makes us so fierce and strong
But the way you are living now is indeed very wrong
Feel some shame and come out as lions as we did before
Spend your days in the deen, and you will be happy for sure

Where has the izzah gone of every man standing free?
When your sisters were taken in, raped by pigs every week?
Your brothers were lashed for speaking only the truth
Whilst you stood in silence supporting the kufaar troops

How sad it is indeed that you won't rise and defend!
The people who have preserved the deen till their end
They are taking us is every minute around the clock
Let go of your iphones and realise this shock!

Where will you hide when Allaah asks you on the day
'How did you defend the Ummah that needed your say?'
Quiet you will be without a valid answer indeed
Your abode will be hell, a place you'll be in need

So rise up oh Muslims and recognise your duty
And you will witness the outcome to be very fruity
Come out as one nation to show the world who we are
That they have no right to lay a finger on our dear ulemah!

When we rise as one, we prove to them we are strong
The kufaar will then realise where our allegiance belongs
They'll be running away, many miles out of fear
The victory of our Ummah will be indeed very near

They'll be running away, many miles out of fear
The victory of our Ummah will be indeed very near

So come out oh brothers and my dear sisters too
Show these people we are stronger, even if we are a few
Let them know that the days of silence have gone
We are coming to defend our people, as a body, as one!

By Anonymous

Saturday, 20 November 2010


We are the Ummah who are young yet strong
Our allegiance is to Allaah. To His deen do we belong,
We have raised huge and small armies against many nations many times
The honour is with the Muslims, not with you smelling swines,

You have captivated, killed and tortured those among us
But you have never been able to decrease our numbers
Your plan is always to break us, to separate us apart
Your plans are all a failure because you can never be smart

Remember that we are an Ummah that has started as a nation small
Yet we had the courage to stand against the societies which stood with power so tall
We are an Ummah who has raised tigers and lions from many lands
Victory has been promised to us, Allaah has indeed blessed our hands.

We have the mala'ika(angels) on our side what more could we ask for?
Our women are giving birth to children who will continue the struggle for sure
You have nothing beside you, not even your own kids
There's only one title for you - coward it is!

Come and stand against us without weaponry or jets
And we'll show u who we are we'll prove we're the best
You cringe from fear when you hear the name Ousama
So you hide away in your palaces, your lives is just a drama.

By Anonymous

Sunday, 14 November 2010



DATE: Monday 15th November 2010
TIME: From 12 noon – 3pm
VENUE: 21 Kensington Palace Gardens, Kensington, London, W8 4QN,

Following the arrest of Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad in Lebanon today on false charges and without due procedure the Muslim community in Britain condemn such oppressive tactics which are designed to silence the true voices of Islam and to appease the masters of the Lebanese authorities i.e. the Americans and the British.

Many rumours have surrounded the kidnapping of the noble sheikh today, some accusing him of not wanting to clear his name from the accusations of supporting an insurgency against the Lebanese authorities others to training members of Al Qaeda and giving them financial aid.

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad has been interrogated by the internal security and military authorities over 100 times in the last five years, often as a result of pressure from other governments including and in particular the British and Americans.

The heavy handed tactics employed today including firing bullets at his car, whilst he was with his pregnant wife and young son, demonstrate the cowardice of the Lebanese authorities and their willingness to violate the sanctity of citizens to please their masters.

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad has explained that he has had no official notice of the proceedings of the military court nor was he ever officially summoned to appear before a judge, nor was he informed of the decision by the judge or the court, rather he discovered indirectly by a lawyer contact that a life sentence had been passed against him and against other innocent Muslims, including some Muslim sisters.

The world is aware about the oppressive nature of the Lebanese government against their own citizens and their cowardice when it comes to the Israelis. These are the tactics of those who are willing to sell out anyone in order to hold on to the reigns of power, even if it means selling out scholars of Islam or shooting at innocent women and children.

We demand the immediate release of our noble sheikh and all Muslims held illegally in Lebanese prisons. The Muslim community in this country, in Lebanon and the rest of the world will continue to raise our voice in support of those unjustly taken hostage wherever they are and we will call upon Muslims to rise up against such tyrant regimes in order to release all Muslim captives and to implement the justice of the Shari’ah.

For more information contact:
Mr Anjem Choudary
Judge of The Shari’ah Court of The UK
Chairman of The Society of Muslim Lawyers
Former UK Head of Al-Muhajiroun
Call 07956 600 569
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