Sunday, 12 September 2010

The Prince I Await....

'I await my handsom prince to come knocking on my door

Who’ll come with half my deen, kneeling on the floor
My half deen is with he who will fulfill my expectations
Who’s willing to them accept them, without taking them into consideration

My expectations reach out to the flowers red and white
To the rubies, pearls and diamonds brought to me everynight
Red roses of the da’wah, white daises of the Shahadah
His shield wrapped in jewels as he imitates Sheikh Osaamah

My prince would be he who would obey all commands and orders
Accepting raised opinions as he moves along with them forward
A man who has Taqwa, obeying the commands of his Lord
Taking the opinions of the sahaabah, who are better then us all

I expect my darling prince to wash-up all the time
With whom I’ll live with in a palace, which sparkles and shines
Washing his heart from deviant thoughts he once may have had
Our palace would be in jannah, attained without a bad

My beautiful prince, where are you today?
Come with my mahr which no one has seen till this day
My Mahr would weigh more then all the mountains on earth
The deen we are blessed with, at the time of birth

Our honeymoon won’t be cheap, rather expensive to afford
He would work to save up in every way he could
A trip to unseen gardens where green birds will fly
The cost would be life, the honeymoon after we die…'

By Annonymous....
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