Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Rise Of the Ummah

Rise Of The Muslim Ummah - To Command Good And Forbid Evil

Oh Youth we witness with our eyes and ears without a doubt about the evil that is happening. Are we prepared to let the deen of Allah All Mighty get destructed in the hands of the kuffar? NO we are not going to allow that to happen Indeed we are the Ummah, The greatest ummah that was ever raised in the whole of Humanity. The ummah of prophet Muhammad (saw).

We are the youth of today and Insha’Allah will bring and be an example for the youth to come Insha’Allah.

Dear brothers and sisters, we come with one Goal one Banner in mind, this 1 is:
La Ilaha Ilallah, Muhammadur Rasoolullah -
“There is None Worthy to be obeyed, followed and Worshipped but Allah and Muhammad(saw) is the Messenger of Allah”

To command the good and to forbid the evil.
Allah swt says:
“ Let there rise amongst you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al Maruf (I.e., Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), And it is they who are the successful”
[EMQ  - 3:104]

You are the youth of today, wake up and worship your Lord All Mighty, Who Has Power over All things in the heavens and the earth.

Oh Ummah stand up and stand up tall, look and see what they(kuffar) are doing,, Pathetically trying to make a downfall of the Religion of Allah (swt) they will never succeed oh ummah, oh great ummah!
The religion of your Lord stands firm indeed, Allah Is the King of All kings.
“They wish to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it)”.
[EMQ -  9:32]

Oh Ummah we need to rise to the front and stand against the disbelievers and the apostates of Islam, The Islam that which they are trying to destroy for verily
Allah swt says:
“ they the kuffar plot and plan but Indeed Allah knows what they do but they do not know what Allah plots against them”
[ EMQ  - 8 :30]

Oh Ummah Rise and roar like the lions of tawheed the Companions of the Prophet(saw), Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Az Zubair (RA) these are some of the greatest people of the past, You are the youth of today, they where the youth of the past and indeed they were successful and verily Allah is pleased with them and they are with Him(swt).

Oh Ummah, Hold ur head up high and rise to the haq the truth, do not fear the kuffar for All Mighty Allah is on the side of the believers! Allah is Al Wali ( The protecting Friend)They will hurt you, torture you, but you are the Ummah of prophet Muhammad (saw) and you will not be defeated.

They will never defeat you for you are the believer who commands the good and forbids the evil, you have Al Walaa ( Manifest love for All Mighty Allah (swt), Messenger (saw) Companions (ra) and the believers Muslims) and Wal Baraa ( An expression of hatred towards the falsehood and all its adherence and those who follow falsehood) and you guard your salah, pay ur zakah indeed you will be amongst the rightly guided Insha’Allah.

Oh Ummah, Oh Youth indeed you will one day stand for account in front of your Lord
and that is a Haqq. (TRUTH).

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Little Tears

Your Tears….

How long? days, minuits, seconds, is that what you say?
Not long dear child, Be strong, not long is what we pray.
Do not count the time my child, your help is coming soon,
Like the glitter and shine of the beautiful night moon.

Why do you cry oh child, what is that you wish to tell?
The hardship, and worry in your little eyes.. We see it well.
Why do you cry oh child, tell us what it is?
We will help you, and make you smile even if it is a bit.

Your tummy is empty, food is scarce, water is little, we know my child,
How can I eat and be happy, when you starve?
Your cries of hunger dear child, brings tears to our eyes,
Thoughts of you everyday, in our hearts we carve.

On the floor, damp and wet , that you lay bare and cold,
Breaks our heart, as we have blankets that are there for you to cover and to hold.
Do not despair dear child, we cry for you in the dark and when it is bright,
That Allah(swt) blesses you our child with a warm and safe night.

Those long, cold nights that you are having to go through.
Grown men my child, sit and cry for you too.
Be strong dear child, Allah(swt) is All Seeing, do not cry.
Your tears are worth much, seeing you like that brings tears to our eyes.

Your hearts is heavy, with worry and sadness, much grief too.
We supplicate that Allah(swt) will bring ease for you .
Do not cry dear child, Indeed The Lord All Mighty knows your fears,
Every time those kuffar make you shed your precious little tears.

Those days will end, you will smile.
Happiness will return to you, In a short while.
You will stand and rise again, to defend the deen of Allah(swt) again and again.

By Anonymous

A Moment Alone

A Moment Alone

Alhamdulillah as human beings we experience many moments in our lives, be they good or bad, happy or sad. But indeed one of the best moments as a Muslim one can experience is that Moment alone with Allah(swt) reflecting on the blessings of Allah, and the beauty of His creation. The perfection of Allah’s creation and its existence and purpose of it all.

“Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience."
[EMQ - Fussilat - 41:11]

Everything in creation, birds, trees, rivers, oceans, animals, insects, clouds, rain, sun, moon etc… is in full submission to Allah(swt)
But then why is man so negligent? Why does man not think about the creation and ponder over its endless beauty?

As Allah(swt) says:
“Whatever beings there are in the heavens and the earth do prostrate themselves to Allah (Acknowledging subjection),- with good-will or in spite of themselves: so do their shadows in the morning and evenings.”
[EMQ - Ar-Ra'ad - 13:15]

When do you find the time.. To think and reflect? Contemplate over the blessings of Allah(swt) and the signs that Allah sets forth?
Indeed at times many things can take over our time and gets us busy… hence we do not find the time to think and remember.

One of the best moments is after ones has prayed the fajr salah, where Allah(swt) tells you..
“Assalatu kairum minan nawm” Prayer is better than sleep.
Allah(swt) says:
“For those who respond to their Lord, are (all) good things. But those who respond not to Him,- Even if they had all that is in the heavens and on earth, and as much more, (in vain) would they offer it for ransom. For them will the reckoning be terrible: their abode will be Hell,- what a bed of misery! “
[EMQ - Ar-Ra'ad -13:18]
Subhan ‘Allâh!
How then how can we not listen to this call of our Lord? Does He who created us not know what is best for us?
The early morning fajr salah is the most delightful prayer for the soul who yearns for Allah’s company. In which the prayer alone, the heart of a believer finds much tranquility and happiness.

Sometimes we would go to bed straight away, without even thinking or giving it a second thought as to how we slept, what the benefits of the sleep was, how we woke up and that we wish to sleep again. Who is it that gives you this blessing..? Is it not Allah? All Praise is due to Him(swt).
As Allah(swt) says:
“And [We] made your sleep [a means for] rest.”
[EMQ - An-Naba - 78:9]

“And He it is Who makes the Night as a Robe for you, and Sleep as Repose, and makes the Day (as it were) a Resurrection.”
[EMQ - Al-Furqaan - 25:47]

Allah gives us this sleep to rest and refresh ourselves - in which if the person makes the supplications before the sleep in the name of Allah, then it is also a form of worship. Then how can we not give our time to Allah(swt) in dhikr and glorifying Him(swt) in the early hours of the day?
After the salah, if one should stay up and witness the beauty of the sky and the calm and serene moment of that time - it is amazing!

Just by sitting there and looking out of the window or going for a walk… is so overwhelming, it brings happiness to the heart, as it feels like you are totally alone with Allah(swt), that no one else is having this special moment and it is only you alone.
This in itself is such a beautiful moment to experience. It makes you really think about the purpose of the creation and makes you remember the words of Allah(swt)

“You(Allah) cause the night to gain on the day, and You cause the day to gain on the night; You bring the Living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the Living; and You give sustenance to whom You pleases, without measure."
[EMQ - Ale-Imraan - 3:27]

Subhan ‘Allâh, one just needs to take one look at that time to realise many things and the beauty and wonder of Allah’s creation.
The whole of the creation is in Awe of All-Mighty Allah! The birds that fly, none holds them up but Allah Alone.

It is amazing as you feel like you are the only person in the whole earth that is awake and you are seeing all this. Seeing what you see outside the sleep becomes something that is not important compared to the beauty of what the eyes witness.

Allah(swt) reminds us over and over again about needing to reflect on His signs and to ponder over them. It is not just a thing we should do just as enjoyment but it is something to be taken into serious account.
“Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding“.
[EMQ - Ale-Imraan - 3:190]
Here Allah(swt) says that we need to reflect on His creation and fear Him(swt) and take understanding from the signs that All-Mighty Allah has given us to remember.

“He it is that cleaveth the day-break (from the dark): He makes the night for rest and tranquillity, and the sun and moon for the reckoning (of time): Such is the judgment and ordering of (Him), the Exalted in Power, the Omniscient.”
[EMQ - Al-Anaam - 6:96]

This moment that one experiences at such a beautiful time is just amazing! Honestly… it makes you emotional - You pray to Allah(swt) and supplicate to Him and praise Him(swt) which brings contentment to the heart.

As Allah(swt) says:
"Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.”
[EMQ - Ar-Ra'ad - 13:28]

May Allah(swt) forgive us our sins, forgive us for forgetting His remembrance, make us from those who are always in constant remembrance of Him(swt). And make us of those who are always grateful and patient.
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